What We Do

Academic Technology (AT) offers a complementary and comprehensive service portfolio to faculty, students, staff and academic organizations in direct support of teaching, learning and academic excellence at SF State. AT service teams interact daily with each other and with campus constituents to holistically assess and proactively respond to the broad needs of Academic Affairs— and the specific needs of colleges, departments, faculty and students— as they relate to instruction and, increasingly, research and discipline-specific needs. The unit has also played a leadership role in a broad range of campus-wide IT initiatives, partnering with ITS to ensure that outcomes serve the strategic needs of Academic Affairs and aptly support our faculty, students, staff and programs.

Core Service Areas

Academic Technology designs, builds, maintains and supports all 475 classroom teaching spaces across campus ensuring effective, easy-to-use and accessible spaces in collaboration with faculty, departments and other campus units.

The campus utilizes a suite of learning technologies centered upon Canvas, the campus learning management system, is used by a majority of instructors and almost all students on-campus. The team manages all learning technology applications including customizations, integrations and improvements with a focus on ensuring all tools meet the broadest needs most effectively. They also build custom applications such as the Syllabus Tool.

AT’s Desktop Service supports Colleges and all Academic Affairs administrative units encompassing over 2,500 faculty and staff, over 5,000 of campus computers, over 80 campus computer labs and manages the campus-wide Endpoint Management service. This service has been transformational for Colleges and Departments and AT has significantly increased support for discipline-specific and curricular IT needs, enhancing the student experience in key academic programs.

AT provides strategic support and consultation to deans, associate deans, department chairs and Academic Affairs leadership. As a central IT campus unit, AT staff play critical leadership roles on campus-wide IT projects, partnering with ITS to ensure academic, faculty and student needs are met and teaching and learning is not disrupted.