Issue 2: Integrations with Zoom and MediaSite

Author: Cristian Alvarado
July 1, 2022

As is the case with iLearn, Canvas has Zoom and Mediasite fully integrated. However, the Canvas integrations have a few extra features not present in the iLearn integrations and have a slightly different workflow. In both cases, the main interaction point for instructors is via a link in the left-hand navigation.

If you do not see the links to Zoom and Coursestream (Mediasite) in your left-hand navigation, you may need to add them from within your course settings. To add Zoom and/or mediasite to your navigation, go to your course within Canvas. Select Settings in the bottom of the left-hand navigation, then select Navigation at the top. Locate Zoom (or Coursestream) in the list. If it says "Page disabled, won't appear in navigation", select "Enable" in the three dots menu next to the item to add it to your navigation bar.


A full guide to using Zoom with Canvas is available on the support documentation website, but briefly, the Zoom integration in Canvas differs from the one in iLearn in that it gives both instructors and students a "one-stop shop" for all Zoom activity within a course, including a list of recordings. Any Zoom meetings an instructor creates from within Canvas are automatically associated with that specific class and any recordings made using that meeting will show up in the Zoom link in the left-hand navigation.

By default, recordings are unpublished. Publishing a recording will make it available to any students within your Canvas class.

If you use Zoom, it is going to be highly recommended for you to use the integration within Canvas as it will give students one consistent place across all of their courses where they can find the specific Zoom link for the class.

Coursestream (mediasite)

Coursestream, powered by Mediasite, is the campus lecture capture system. The two primary ways of adding content to Coursestream are to request a classroom that is equipped with Coursestream or to use the Mediasite Mosaic software. You can find out more about Coursestream in general on the lecture capture website.

Similar to the iLearn integration, clicking on the Coursestream link in the left-hand navigation bar will take instructors to My Mediasite, an instructor content management portal where instructors can upload new Mediasite content, edit Mediasite videos online, and generally manage content availability.

Mediasite content can be added to any text box within Canvas. In the rich content editor (RCE) toolbar, select the mediasite icon (the four orange dots) to browse through any mediasite content you have already uploaded. The general recommendation is to add Mediasite content to a page activity, as explained in this support document.

Training opportunities

More information on upcoming training opportunities will be coming soon. Keep an eye on for more information. In the meantime, you can get started by working through the Growing with Canvas course found within Canvas itself.

As always, we welcome any feedback on the Canvas transition project in our community forum. For specific questions or concerns, you can also call our main support line at 415-405-5555 or send us an email to and we'll be more than happy to assist.